Health news
Flu vaccine for the 23-24 flu season is now available in Health Services by calling 206-281-2231 for an appointment. Cost is $25 on your student account. We are unable to bill insurance for vaccines.
Meningitis vaccination is highly recommended for college-age students as meningitis is a very infectious and potentially deadly illness that can be easily spread living in community settings. Talk to your primary care provider about meningitis vaccination options prior to your arrival on campus. There are two types of meningitis vaccine(MCV4 and MenB). MCV4 is routinely given in childhood, while MenB is an optional vaccine. MenB is the strain that has caused most of the meningitis outbreaks on college campuses in the recent past and is therefore recommended in addition to MCV4. Please refer to the Meningitis information sheet (PDF) and talk with your primary care provider about meningitis vaccination options.
Health Services will be closed on the following holidays:
Mon Jan 15th for MLK
Fri March 29th for Good Friday
Mon May 27th for Memorial Day
If you need health care assistance during a closure, please click "In Case of Medical Emergency" in the left navigation bar above to find a list of local Urgent Care clinics and hospitals.
We are open for student visits during SPU Spring Break (March 15-26).
About Health Services
We provide a range of services for both acute and chronic health issues including treatment of infections, sprains/strains, immunizations, laboratory testing, sexual and reproductive health, and mental health conditions.
We are located on the first floor of Watson Hall alongside the Student Counseling Center in our newly merged lobby now collectively called Student Counseling Health & Wellness (SCHW). SCHW (Health Services & Counseling) is open weekdays only. See our clinic hours information and how to access care when Health Services is closed.
Our mission
To empower students to take responsibility for their health and to complement Seattle Pacific University’s academic mission by providing health services that are accessible, enable students to thrive, and result in a healthy campus environment.
Have a question?
Contact Health Services with health-related questions by phone, email, or through our Secure Messaging portal. These methods of communication are not monitored on weekends, holiday closures or after clinic hours.
All SPU students are asked to report positive COVID 19 test results to Health Services as soon as possible.
For additional links and information, visit the COVID-19 information page.
Be Well. Do Well.